Dealing With License Plate Rattle – Easy Home Fixes To Silence That Rattle!

If your car is making a rattling noise when you drive, it may be the license plate. This can be caused by a subwoofer or other speakers in the car. This article will show you how to fix the license plate rattle.

The first step is to identify where the noise is coming from. Try turning on the radio and seeing if the noise changes. If it does, then the noise is likely coming from the speakers. If it doesn’t, it is likely coming from the license plate.

We have found that the easiest way to fix your license plate rattle is to put foam padding between the license plate and the car. This is a cheap and quick method of removing the rattle without much work.

The next step is to try and fix the license plate rattle. There are a few ways to do this:

  • The first way is to try and adjust the screws on the license plate. This may fix the rattling noise.
  • Another way is to try and add some padding between the license plate and the car. This can be done with foam, rubber, or cork.
  • Another option is to attach a piece of metal or plastic to the back of the license plate. This will help to prevent the rattling noise.
  • Finally, you can try mounting the license plate higher up on the car. This will help to keep it from vibrating against the car.

If none of these methods work, you may need to adjust or replace your speakers. Contact a car audio specialist for more information.

How To Fix License Plate Rattle From Trunk Slamming?

Picture of foam behind license plate at the bottom

If your license plate is rattling after you slam the trunk of your car, the same methods mentioned above will work just fine. Putting foam or some other type of padding between the license plate and the vehicle should do the trick. You can also try to attach something to the back of your license plate to prevent it from rattling.

Blu tack is another good solution to try if the others do not work; you start by making small balls with the blu tack and then putting it under the corners of the license plate, which will stick to the car. This will help absorb any vibration that can occur and should deafen the sound of the rattle or even silence it for good.

We hope this article helped fix your license plate rattle. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us. Thanks for reading!

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